Tuesday 5 July 2011

Llangollen's Eisteddfodd begins

The 2011 Eistedfodd parade leaders
The young Japanese contingent passing to a united chorus of 'aah, sweet' from all the grannys in the crowd
The remarkable Breton dancers
Best dressed: the Ukrainian competitors
Irish dancing in the main road
Guest of honour Terry Waite
The African dance-leader was exhausting just to watch

Even if - like us - you're not overwhelmed by the prospect of folk singing, dancing and operatic arias you couldn't have helped thoroughly enjoying the opening parade through the town. Teams of dancers and singers in national costume from countries as diverse as Ukraine and India, as far apart as Canada and Australia, parade noisily and thrillingly along the streets.
Most colourful were the Ukrainians, noisest were the African drummers but the most curious - and the best - were the austerely dressed Breton dancers.

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