Tuesday 10 August 2010

And more agony

Over the past few weeks one of my back top teeth has become increasingly sensitive to hot and cold foods, to the point at which a misplaced drop of ice-cream now has me writhing.
So, as we're in Streethay for a week or so, I decided to try pot-luck with one of Lichfield's many dentists. The dentist was a friendly young woman (why are so many dentists these days women?) and said it was simply a loose filling that needed replacing. She would do it there and then. Great.
Well, three doses of local anaesthetic later - one of them so painful it made me let out an involuntary curse - and she had to admit defeat. Six hours later and my mouth has finally more or less resumed its normal size and shape and I can drink without drooling.
Problem is, apparently, that the root may be dying. I would have thought that made it less sensitive but seemingly not. A week of smearing layers of Sensodyne on it might help, she reckoned, but most likely it would have to come out. I'm not sure I can spare many more of them!

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